JavaScript is so much powerful that everything can be animated with ease amongst
numerous available libraries. Being tried with a few libraries, here is a small survey. The list is never ending. There are 100's with specific properties. Here are a few which i have used!
1. Collie
- Can create highly optimized animations and games using HTML 5
- Collie runs on both PC and mobile using HTML 5 canvas and DOM
- Optimized for mobile application development
- Collie can stably process multiple objects using rendering pipelines
- Supports useful features including sprite animation and user events
- Stably supports iOS and Android, and renders with an optimized method for each platform
Reach: Collie
2. Processsing
- Makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc
- Adhers to web standards and without any plug-ins
- We can write code using the Processing language, include it in web page, and Processing.js does the rest
- Processing.js uses JavaScript to render 2D and 3D content on the HTML canvas element
Reach: Processing
3. TweenJS
- The TweenJS Javascript library provides a simple butpowerful tweening interface
- It supports tweening of both numeric object properties & CSS style properties, and allows to chain tweens and actions together to create complex sequences
- Tweenjs requires a ticker function, which is included in EaselJS
- If we are not using EaselJS, we must build your own ticker function that calls tick on the tweens.
Reach: TweenJS
5. Animo
- Powerful little tool for managing CSS animations
- It includes features like stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion
- Limited Functionalities
Reach: Animo
6. SVG
- Creates interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen
- And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM
- Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more
Reach: SVG
7. jsAnim
- jsAnim is easy to include in websites and easy to animate with
- Popular for its mushroom experiments
- Easy to add mediocre animations to websites
Reach: jsAnim
8. Favicon
- To add badges, images, or even video to your favicons
- Favico.js makes it simple to add animated badges for your favicon
- Easy creation of a favicon on the fly from an image, video, or even a live image from visitor’s webcam
Reach: Favicon
9. Motio
- Small JavaScript library for simple but powerful sprite based animations and panning.
- Motio has no dependencies, but there is an optional Motio jQuery plugin version available
Reach: Motio
10. Headroom
- A lightweight, high-performance JS widget
- Allows to react to the user's scroll
- It slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up
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